B lo o d ve sse ls
C ranial base
C ra n ia l nerves
M eninges
P arts of the brain
Functional organisation of the spinal cord
Fig. 610
Spinal cord, Medulla spinalis;
laminar organisation of the grey matter according to its
cytoarchitecture [according to REXED, 1952), exemplified
by the tenth thoracic segment [T101.
Formation and number of the laminae vary in different
spinal cord segments.
Fig. 611
Reflexes at the spinal cord;
left: monosynaptic reflex [bineuronal, proprioceptive, myostatic, e.g.,
patellar tendon reflex, Achilles tendon reflex, etc.);
right: polysynaptic reflex (polyneuronal, e.g., abdominal reflex,
cremasteric reflex, plantar reflex, etc.).